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Obtain device token

This endpoint can be used to acquire or refresh a device token. The initial acquisition requires the device_code parameter to be provided. The refresh operation requires a refresh token to be provided.

Endpoint is available at /token relative path. This endpoint requires a signature header to be always present.

Initial device token acquisition


  • client_id: unique client ID
  • client_secret: API key
  • grant_type: device_code
  • device_code: the device code acquired via registration call

Return value:
The Error object if error occurred, otherwise DeviceToken JSON object which has the following structure:

    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "expires_in": NNN,
    "access_token": "xxx",
    "refresh_token": "yyy"

Where token_type is always “Bearer”, expires_in is an access token expiration time in seconds, access_token is an access token which must be provided in the call to the public API login function, refresh_token is the token used to refresh the device token.

Device token refresh


  • client_id: unique client ID
  • client_secret: API key
  • grant_type: refresh_token
  • refresh_token: the refresh token

Return value:
The Error object if error occurred, otherwise a new DeviceToken JSON object. Refresh token may only be used once.

If authorization_pending error is returned the client should keep polling the endpoint until the token is acquired or some other error is returned.
JavaScript errors detected

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