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Trusted device registration

Trusted devices are SAFEQ Cloud clients which are required to be authorized by SAFEQ Cloud administrator before they can perform certain API calls. The API key setting Allow untrusted endpoints controls whether client using this API key is required to be in a trust relationship with SAFEQ Cloud server. If this option is disabled (which is the default) the client must obtain a device token before calling authentication functions of the public API.

This device token must be then provided to the /login API call as Authorization: Bearer <token> header.

Trusted connection ensures for example that password-less authentication (card ID or short ID) can only be used from the trusted devices.

Trusted devices functions are available at /oauth/v1 base endpoint on HTTPS port 7400 (gateway) or 443 (cloud server). All requests must be sent as HTTP POST with parameters encoded as application/x-www-form-urlencoded. All responses are JSON objects. In case of an error the Error JSON object is returned which has the following structure:

    "error": "error_code",
    "error_description": "textual error description"

Some functions may use the HCP-Request-Signature header which holds a signature of the parameter string.

For POST requests, that is the signature of the request body.

Signature algorithm depends on the key_type parameter provided to the /register call. Signature must be wrapped into base64 encoding.

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