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Version History

The following contains a list of notable changes in YSoft SAFEQ Cloud API


+ Added feature
x Improved/changed feature
- Bug fixed

Build 2025.02.06

No changes from the previous release.

Build 2025.01.23

No changes from the previous release.

Build 2025.01.09

No changes from the previous release.

Build 2024.11.28

No changes from the previous release.

Build 2024.11.14

+ new API available to list of all users (only local and those actually using the solution)  /api/v1/users/all

Build 2024.10.31

No changes from the previous release.

Build 2024.10.17

No changes from the previous release.

Build 2024.10.03

No changes from the previous release.

Build 3.49 [2024-09-19]

+ Account API was extended with new fields for page size, language, and color. The update option now contains the name and domain name. API responses were improved.

x Print queues created by API are now enabled by default.

Build 3.48 [2024-08-22]

No changes from the previous release.

Build 3.47 [2024-07-25]

- Uploading a print job to a non-existing input port via API no longer returns 200 instead of an error.

Build 3.46 [2024-06-27]

- The API no longer allows deletion of the Local authentication provider.

Build 3.45 [2024-06-11]

- If the request does not contain the "Content-Type: form-data" header, the response status is no longer 500.

Build 3.44 [2024-05-09]

No changes from the previous release.

Build 3.43 [2024-04-04]

x Administrators can now create multiple values per API Access Key, thus streamlining the administration.
x GetAccount API now includes Account UUID.

Build 3.42 [2024-03-07]

No changes from the previous release.

Build 3.41 [2024-02-08]

+ Added a get user by username endpoint.
+ Page orientation now respects the request specified in the API request.

Build 3.40 [2024-01-11]

- The Document history endpoint now returns the jobtype property.
- The use of full API access keys is now discouraged in order to enhance security.
- Whenever the API returns a 403 error due to missing permissions, it also returns the list of the missing permissions.

Build 3.39 [2023-11-02]

No changes from the previous release.

Build 3.38 [2023-10-05]

x Added the ability to manage access rights.
x Improved security of document history API by adding role-based access.
x Increased security by only displaying API keys once when generated. The ability to view existing API keys is removed.

Build 3.37 [2023-09-07]

x Updated backend API key security.
x Added AUD (audience) claim to API access tokens for improved security.
- Adding authentication providers using API (/authproviders) now works correctly.

Build 3.36 [2023-08-10]

x Added public API for Scan Workflows. (The Scan Workflow feature is currently hidden by default and may not be available for your account.)

Build 3.35 [2023-07-13]

No changes from the previous release.

Build 3.34 [2023-06-26]

No changes from the previous release.

Build 3.33 [2023-05-18]

x Added printer information to Documents History API.
- Fixed issue with Access Control List (ACL) inheritance properties when updating ACL via API.

Build 3.32 [2023-04-25]

+ {ShortProductName} API endpoint date/time matches the actual job release date/time.
- Documents/history API endpoint is filtering for the "PRINTED" status.

Build 3.31 [2023-03-31]

+ Customer can get information on users' group membership via Public API.

Build 3.30 [2023-02-24]

- In document history, documents are recorded under the correct device when the jobs are sent with the "serialnumber" parameter.

Build 3.29 [2023-02-03]

+ Added public API for pulling the embedded terminal configuration.
+ Added public API endpoint to record print/copy/scan jobs.

Build 3.28 [2022-12-15]

x Device code workflow requests changed from GET to POST.
x Device code workflow: the public/private keys are optional now.

Build 3.19 [2022-02-03]

+ Add admin functions to create/delete/update locations in the LocationsRequest endpoint
+ Extend InputPortsRequest endpoint and add an additional optional locationId parameter to the creation function
+ Add optional description field to the output port creation in OutputPortsRequest
+ Extend OutputPortInfo with the following fields: description, embedded config, protocol, model family, output type, serviceId, serial number

Build 3.16 [2021-10-13]

+ Added Documents History API

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