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The following contains a list of notable changes in YSoft SAFEQ Cloud.


+ Added feature
x Improved/changed feature
- Bug fixed

3.1.2 [2019-12-13]

x Improved SAMLv2 support for AD-FS On-Premise
x By default restrict access to Windows SAFEQ Cloud PC Client SAFEQ Cloudclientcore folder to SAFEQ Cloud service account only
x Enforce SSL validation option for PC Client IPPS printing
x Changed MacOS PC client to not share queues on network by default
x Added support for Ysoft, Omnikey and Elatec TWN3 card readers in IP card reader bridge
x Updated curl library used by SAFEQ Cloud PC Client installer
x Improve user authentication when doing OTP authentication
- Fixed miscellaneous issues in KM IWS application
- Fixed issue with PC Client for Mac and server connection failing on macOS Catalina
- Fixed issue with triggers not applied when printing with PC Client in Local Storage mode

3.1.1 [2019-12-03]

- Fixed issue with releasing of jobs stored on PC client didn’t work in some configurations when document output service was on the secondary server
- Fixed issue with collation and staple multi-copy printing on HP

3.1.0 [2019-11-19]

+ HP Workpath (formerly Link platform) embedded app
+ Ricoh SOP Android embedded client
+ Konica Minolta IWS embedded App
+ PC Client 3.0 for Mac
+ SAML v2 single sign on
+ New Windows SAFEQ Cloud print driver
+ Support Microsoft SQL Server/SQL Azure for backend database
+ Ability to have local users as part of groups
+ System to self-register swipe cards for users without password
+ Support scan and copy reporting from Ricoh SLNX Share in SAFEQ Cloud
+ One-time password feature for users without password or multi-factor configurations
+ Support SecurityEngineering IP card reader
+ Support RFIDeas 241 IP card reader
+ Support CentOS 8
+ SAFEQ Cloud Driver UI improvements
+ End-user interface to manage Short ID
+ Expand SAFEQ Cloud driver with additional trays up to 6
+ New My Profile end-user Web UI screen
+ Automatically generate a Short ID or One-time password based on trigger
x Many improvements to print driver performance and print job rendering
x Improved validation of Short ID and card ID being unique for an account
x Improvements to primary cluster communication and performance
x Added HP native keyboard as workaround for missing symbols on HP OXP embedded keyboard
x Improved support for very hardened Linux OS distributions used in high security environments
x Disabled copy and scan accounting for Xerox embedded application on some models
- Fixed issue with multiple jobs wouldn’t release when user selects all and deselects few of the jobs
- Fixed print issues on Xerox AltaLink with Letter and A3
- Fixed new added private certificate chain not loaded properly for mobile print service
- Fix issue with print queue creation on some macOS configurations
- Fixed issue where after upgrade from SAFEQ Cloud 2.5.x to 3.x, all documents printed before upgrade could appear as printable
- Fixed Lexmark tray selection problem
- Fixed issue with certificate handling with some HP firmware versions which could result in “Server or network problems” error on device

3.0.3 [2019-10-07]

+ Added new setting to control MDM single-sign-on feature enablement in Mobile Print settings
x Changed PC Client to show popup on sync error only once per interruption
x Changed Mac PC Client from “SAFEQ Cloud Client” to “SAFEQ Cloudclient” for plist settings
x Updated Mac PC Client installer for recent macOS versions
x Change utility in PC Client to avoid false positive flag by some antivirus engines
x Updated SAFEQ Cloud client core for Windows 7 compatibility
x Changed lookup of printers on input port configuration, for configuration of push print queues with printers outside container
x Changed OKTA integration to retrieve user email attribute in more configuration scenarios
- Fixed issue with some Sharp printers hanging after booklet printing
- Fixed PC Client Incorrect output bin selection for Ricoh printers

3.0.2 [2019-09-20]

+ Added support for RedHat Enterprise Linux/CentOS 8
x Changed PC Clients list view to not show version for quicker listings
x Major network stability and performance improvement for PC Clients and Secondary Gateway servers
x Improvements to UI behavior when running larger primary cluster configurations
x Major Web UI performance improvements for very large account trees
x Changed print all from embedded clients to not print jobs in random order
- Fixed issue with log rotation, not creating new log files
- Fixed issue where print jobs stored on PC Client sent to release during PC sleep, could be released when waking up
- Fixed issue with trigger Set document attribute to B/W or Color not working.
- Minor UI issues fixed, such as Access control page not refreshing after Local rights are given to a user
- Fixed authentication failing if auth service running on 2 secondary servers and one is unauthorized

3.0.1 [2019-07-01]

+ Added caching of keystores for greatly improved secondary server service performance
x Optimizations for Web UI session cache for cluster configurations

3.0.0 [2019-06-29]

+ New SAFEQ Cloud PC Client 3.0 with local storage and delivery option for serverless deployments
+ Location aware printers
+ Encryption of document data at rest
+ Reporting on scan and copy from embedded clients
+ Ability to restrict and pre-authorize PC clients or secondary servers based on customer PKI
+ Added high performance caching system for major performance improvements throughout SAFEQ Cloud
+ Ability to specify API key for secondary servers and PC clients
+ Release all option on embedded card authentication
+ Support network connected card readers via API
+ Ability to specify an API key during silent unattended installation of primary server
+ Support for OKTA LDAP authentication
+ Add extra authentication option for PC client: User Principal Name
+ Make UI embedded configuration setting for Konica Minolta native card reading
+ Enable the ability to delete and edit the default API key
+ SAFEQ Cloud Web UI in French
+ Possibility to configure duplex/color via the unattended installer options
+ Add Local providers and Local Users group with Users role by default on new accounts
+ Ability to authenticate in SAFEQ Cloud using UserPrincipalName with AD/LDAP
+ Support Debian 9 Stable versions
+ Ability to set new PC client/server trust via API
+ Possibility to select paper sizes A5 and A6 in SAFEQ Cloud single driver
+ Ability to force resync of printers on PC Client update
+ Option to have desktop icons for PC Client Login and Logout created
+ Expand LDAP configuration to include object class for persons and object class for groups
x Major performance improvements for large distributed data transfer
x Improved embedded pull print release performance
x Major performance and quality improvements for SAFEQ Cloud MacOS Universal printer driver
x Numerous Web UI usability improvements
x Disable HTTP trace and track method
x Changed print jobs displayed and printed in reverse order
x Restrict old default API key usability
x Generic branding in Xerox and HP embedded clients
x Added Input Ports option for Containers
x Changed HP embedded to allow locking of everything and unlocking of 3rd party apps
x Improved image quality when printing high graphical jobs to Konica Minolta MFD’s
- Fixed issue releasing SAFEQ Cloud print jobs on Equitrac embedded clients when job contain double byte chars
- Fixed issue on Sharp embedded where change to “Copy” when printing would stop print jobs
- Fixed error when deploying HP embedded application on some HP firmware configurations
- Sharp – Copy fails with Limit error in display if copying is interrupted
- Fixed issue with deletion of nested container and input ports
- Improved performance for secondary servers connecting to vendor primaries
- print job with document multi-up settings goes in error
- Fixed issue with Test all auth providers not showing result in UI
- Fixed Universal driver: HD photo images (WDP files) produced by Windows Photo Viewer are not printed correctly
- Fixed issue printing certain PDF documents accurately on Ricoh MFD’s
- Fixed Internal error shown when accessing Access Controls after auth provider has been removed
- Fixed issue on some Ricoh MFD’s email address of user not showing up in native scan-to-email app
- Fixed issue with Sharp booklet printing + folding + stapling
- Fixed issue printing on Windows 10 in some high security configurations resulting in I/O error
- Fixed issue in PC client and print from Internet Explorer 11
- Fixed issue with printing certain Excel sheets in landscape mode not printing correctly
- Fixed Job count incremented by 2 in the Dashboard sometime when user tries to print very large files
- Fixed macOS SAFEQ Cloud PC client – only 1 copy printed for the job sent with multiple copies
- Fixed macOS SAFEQ Cloud PC client – multicopy print + staple from macOS not printing correctly
- Fixed issue with only one copy getting printed when user tries to give a Pull Job with any number of copies
- Fixed Mobile QR code release: An error occurred, code: 6
- Resolve port conflict for IPM and DSP API terminal services
- User not able to add Access control second time after deleting it once
- Fixed print jobs getting cancelled when user logs out automatically from KM device
- PDF Reports extracting reports of Totals by device even if user is in Totals by user window
- Fixed print jobs getting cancelled when user logs out on a Sharp device
- Fixed KM embedded deployment error when pushing embedded with Scan-to-email feature enabled in US region

2.5.9 [2019-05-28]

x Enhanced performance for releasing multiple pull print jobs from embedded clients
x Modified permission control on HP embedded, to support single-sign-on with third party apps
- Fixed issue deploying HP embedded clients in some network configurations
- Fixed issue printing landscape on Konica Minolta MFD’s

2.5.8 [2019-05-09]
+ Ability to authenticate in SAFEQ Cloud using UserPrincipalName with AD/LDAP
+ Added support for OKTA LDAP authentication
- Fixed issue loading certificates on secondaries under a primary vendor

2.5.7 [2019-04-10]

- Authentication error doing scan if users email has changed recently in external auth provider
- Fixed issue with custom Postscript print jobs in some cases being converted causing errors on HP

2.5.6 [2019-03-29]

- Fixed email address of user not showing up in native scan-to-email Ricoh app
- Fixed error sending email in Scan to My Email in some configurations

2.5.5 [2019-03-13]

x Improvements to SSL keystore handling on primary servers

2.5.4 [2019-02-28]

x Improved Ricoh embedded deployment support

2.5.3 [2019-02-25]

- Fix for keystore loading for non-root vendor

2.5.2 [2019-02-25]

x Added input and output port cache
x Improved loading of keystores for services which run on primary vendor server
- Fix for setting PS3 output type when using API on secondary

2.5.1 [2019-02-24]

+ Ability to specify group name attribute for LDAP authentication
- Fixed issue for users with IE11 not able to view all printers in My Printers Web UI
- Fixed issue with printers fail to sync for Azure group membership
- Fixed issue when more than 10 authentication providers, only last 10 are shown
- Optimized performance for servers with single cores

2.5.0 [2019-02-13]

+ Scan to My Email MFD embedded application
+ Ability to add/list/modify/delete access controls on accounts and containers via the API
+ Ability to delete input and output ports via API
+ Ability to import a certificate during installation to establish secure connection to API and for use with internal secure channel
+ Ability to configure Authentication Providers from API
+ Ability for a user to self-service choose which input ports to install on their PC
+ MDM AirPrint Azure Intune support
+ New Message Service for delivering SMTP email
+ Public API to get list of printed documents for user
+ Major print job rendering performance improvements with new Postscript Level 3
+ New security feature to require PKI certificate for secondary server installs
+ Add new rendering backend to remove dependency on CUPS on Linux
+ Deploy PC Client and printers to Windows workstations with Microsoft Intune
+ Support Ubuntu LTS Linux distributions
+ Documented disaster recovery procedure for primary server(s)
+ Add “Available by default” option for input ports
+ Ability to select multiple groups/users when adding access controls
+ Driver and PC client in French and Danish
+ Ability to release both UniPrint and custom driver on same output port
+ Performance enhancements for user authentication
+ Ability to control locked features for HP embedded
x Improved load balancing for many servers with offline secondaries
x Change primary cluster node cloning logic
x Documented process for PC Client deployment on Windows 7
x Documented Azure PostgreSQL configuration
x Changed PC Client to not remove printers during sync if no network connection to gateway available
x Added support for authenticating against Microfocus IDM via LDAP
- Fixed issue with duplicate files in history if offline cache is enabled and both servers are up
- Fixed issue with Azure authentication stops working after some time
- Expanded Canon embedded client device support
- Fixed issue with Wide Area Mobile print failing with mobile service on secondary server
- Fixed issue where .local used in domain name is snipped
- Fixed 4 hole punching option when printing to certain Sharp models
- Fixed issue where unable to send print job when logged in with UPN for Azure AD on PC client
- Fixed error “Unable to find output port” when printing from mobile using QR code scanning
- Fixed number of copies and collation not working for IPP print protocol
- Fixed issue with Sharp client throwing “Terminal Not Found” error when accessed using a DNS

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