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Asian fonts support for MS Office documents converted to PDF

This article explains how to fix documents that are unreadable after printing due to missing fonts (particularly Asian fonts). This may happen if an MS Office document is uploaded to SAFEQ Cloud via public API. The solution is not applicable to the situation when a user submits the MS Office document via the SAFEQ Cloud Client and the document is converted to PDF/A before the print job is uploaded to SAFEQ Cloud.

Background information

Once a print job is submitted via public API, the Primary or Secondary servers convert it. The goal is to convert any MS Office document to PDF format. Sometimes, the printed document lacks certain fonts. Typically if the original contains Asian languages. You can solve this issue by adding the fonts into the operating system for your Primary or Secondary server.

Solution for CentOS (RHEL)

Due to many languages ​​and distributions, we only provide support for the most used platform - CentOS (RHEL). The list of installed fonts can be customized based on the customer's needs.
  1. Install the required fonts in your Primary or Secondary server. We can recommend Google Noto fonts. If you wish to increase the success rate, install the MS core fonts as well. The converter works with common true type font formats such as ttf, otf and collection ttc. For basic Asian support, you can install the CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) set:

    sudo yum install google-noto-cjk-fonts
  2. Check whether the fontconfig library is already installed in your server by using the following command:

    rpm -q fontconfig
  3. If it isn't, install it.

    sudo yum install fontconfig
  4. Rebuild the font cache to include the newly installed fonts.

    sudo fc-cache -r -v
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