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Sharp Gen 2 Cloud Terminal

The terminal is a public beta, not the final solution.


  • The MFD must have OSA 5.5 or higher.
  • Make sure that you have Cloud Terminal Integration enabled. For information on how to do this, see Enable Cloud terminal integration.


Cloud print

  • If a finishing option is not available in print API, it will be omitted.
  • Media type selection is not supported.
  • Toner saving (economy printing) is not supported.
  • Specific paper size is supported only for the following formats: A3, A4, A5, A6, B4, B5, Executive, Legal, Letter, Ledger, Tabloid
  • Tray 6 input type is not supported.
  • Borderless print is not supported.


  • Users cannot log out via their cards
  • Authentication can fail at printers that do not support TLSv1.3. For how to configure these printers properly, see the Troubleshooting section of this page.


  • When scanning from the glass, a prompt to place a new original appears every time, regardless of whether the Merge Originals function is enabled.

Device setup

  1. If you plan to use a card reader, connect it to the MFD.
  2. Log in to the MFD UI and go to System Settings > Authentication settings.
  3. Enable User Authentication.
  4. In the Authentication Server Settings, select Sharp OSA.

  5. Make sure that Offline Authentication is disabled.
    1. Select Store User Information
    2. Deselect Enable Offline Authentication with stored User Information.

    3. Deselect Store User information again.
  6. Select Use IC Card for Authentication.

Installing the cloud terminal

The terminal can only be installed manually via installation packages. Ask for the packages.

To install the terminal, perform the following steps:

  1. Log into the MFD UI and go to System Settings > Sharp OSA Settings.
  2. In Embedded Application Settings, tap Add.
  3. Tap Browse and select the SafeqCloudAuth.emo package and SafeqCloudTerminal.emo.
  4. Tap Execute.
  5. In External Accounting Application Settings, select Enable and assign the SafeqCloudAuth embedded application as Server 1. Disable servers 2-4.
  6. Tap Submit.
  7. Reboot the MFD.

Configuring the Terminal settings

  1. Have your SAFEQ Cloud domain at hand. You can find it in SAFEQ Cloud Web UI in the Customer information section.
  2. If you haven't done so already, create an API key of the Embedded type. See API access keys.
  3. After rebooting the MFD, you will be presented with the Not configured screen. Tap Configure.
  4. Enter your SAFEQ Cloud domain and API key. You can verify the domain by tapping Test connection.
  5. In Log level, you can choose four levels of log details (Debug, Info, Warning, Error). We recommend the default level - Info. The Debug level will give Y Soft more information for troubleshooting but may slow down the terminal.
  6. Tap Save.

Registering the cloud terminal in SAFEQ Cloud Web UI

  1. Upon installing the terminal, you will see a screen with the Serial Number of the device (prefixed with sh_). Note down the ID number.

  2. In SAFEQ Cloud web UI, go to Endpoints and find the entry with ID number that you noted in the previous step. Select the entry and click Authorize selected.

  3. Back at the MFD, you will see the following screen:

Adding the Sharp printer and Embedded configuration in SAFEQ Cloud Web UI

If you want to connect the MFD that is already connected and registered to a different SAFEQ Cloud account, you must remove the Embedded applications in the Sharp OSA settings and add them again (see the Installing the cloud terminal section of this guide). 

  1. In the SAFEQ Cloud Web UI, go to Embedded clients.
  2. If not done already, create an embedded configuration for your Sharp MFD(s) by clicking Add.
  3. In Vendor, select Sharp.
  4. In Application type, select Sharp Gen 2.
  5. Fill in the rest of the configuration according to your needs and click Save. For more information on embedded configuration, see Embedded Terminals' configuration.
  6. Go to Printers.
  7. Click Add.
  8. In Vendor, select Sharp.

  9. In Serial number, enter the serial number that the MFD displayed on the screen in the previous steps.
  10. Fill in all the other required information.
  11. Select the checkbox next to Embedded software This will display additional fields related to embedded configuration.
  12. In Embedded configuration, select your Sharp embedded configuration from the list.
  13. Click Save.
  14. Return to MFD, if you see the screen from the end of the previous section tap Reload. The MFD will now display a login screen with your chosen authentication type.


Error message "Authentication failed. If the problem persists, contact your administrator" while a user authenticates at the printer

Problem description: A user wants to log in at the printer and receives an error message "Authentication failed. If the problem persists, contact your administrator."

Solution: If the problem occurs all the time for all users and the printer supports only TLS v1.2 (and not TLS v1.3), a possible cause is an incompatibility between Cipher Suites available on the printer side with the Cipher Suites accepted by the SAFEQ Cloud server.
You can influence which Cipher Suites are accepted by SAFEQ Cloud server. This is determined by a SAFEQ Cloud domain and by the certificate the SAFEQ Cloud server used to prove its identity to the printer.
Each SAFEQ Cloud domain can prove itself by a different certificate.

If using a custom domain, make sure the domain uses a certificate that accepts the printer's available Cipher Suites.

If using a SAFEQ Cloud default domain, to resolve the issue, perform the following two steps:

  • In the SAFEQ Cloud Web UI, go to the Customer information page and add there (if it doesn't exist yet) a domain that will prove itself by a desired certificate (see Vendor/Customer information.). If you are using the default (non-custom) domain names, the added domain must end with "".
  • In the Cloud terminal at the MFD, go to Application settings. Enter this domain in the Server domain field. For how to do this, see the Configuring the Terminal settings section of this page.


Your company name is Acme, your domain in SAFEQ Cloud is, and you have two Sharp printers: MX-C304WH and BP-60C31 

Both printers are connected to the SAFEQ Cloud via the domain

  • All of your users can log in and work with the BP-60C31 printer without a problem.
  • No users can log in and work with the MX-C304WH printer.

Resolve the issue with the MX-C304WH printer by adding an additional domain to the Customer information page in the SAFEQ Cloud Web UI. The server with the domain will prove itself by a different certificate than the domain For information about Certificate configuration, see Certificates. After that, change the Server domain field in the Application settings in the Cloud terminal at the MX-C304WH printer.

Error message "Cannot communicate with authentication server. Call administrator"

Problem description: When trying to use the MFD, you get an error message:

Solution: A possible cause of this is that Sharp OSA is configured for authentication; however, Offline authentication is enabled (possibly from the previous state of the MFD). You must disable it. See the Device setup section of this guide.

The card reader is not working

Problem: The card reader is not recognized.


  1. A possible cause is that the reader is not enabled after it was plugged in.

  2. Connect the card reader to the MFD. A prompt to enable it will appear. Tap Administrator Login and log in as machine administrator.

  3. Enable the card reader. You will see a message "Detected the device."

  4. Note that if you disconnect and then reconnect the reader, you might be required to enable it again.

Accessing terminal settings

On certain screens (Authentication screen and Device Authorization Grant screen), when there is no explicit button to access settings (e.g., the Not Configured screen), due to security reasons, the administrator can only access the terminal settings by holding the terminal logo pressed for 5 seconds.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.