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Workflow error codes

When a scan workflow fails, the admin will receive an email notification. The email may contain one of the following error codes:

Error code

Error message


Barcode recognition has failed.

WPS-DOCUMENT_SEPARATION-9999Document separation has failed.
WPS-EXTERNAL-9999External processing step has failed.
WPS-EXTERNAL-0002External processing step command finished with a nonzero exit code. Contact your vendor to get the API exit code from the logs.
WPS-HIGHLIGHT-9999Recognition of highlighted text has failed.
WPS-OCR-9999OCR processing has failed.
WPS-REDACT-9999Text redaction has failed.
WPS-ZONAL_OCR-9999Zonal OCR has failed.
WPS-BOX-9999Upload of scan files to Box has failed.


Upload of scan files to Dropbox has failed.
WPS-EMAIL-9999The sending of scan files to email has failed.
WPS-EMAIL-0001The client is not authenticated to send e-mails.
WPS-EMAIL-0002The size of the scan job exceeded the size limit of the SMTP server. Check the maximum scan job size setting in the e-mail connector.
WPS-EMAIL-0003The user does not have an email address set in their profile.
WPS-EMAIL-0004Connection refused. Check that the SMTP server is running and is set up correctly.
WPS-EMAIL-0005The concurrent connections limit has been exceeded.
WPS-EXCHANGE-9999The sending of scan files to Exchange has failed.
WPS-EXTENSION-9999An error occurred on the extension connector.
WPS-HPRM-9999An error occurred on the HPE Records Manager connector.
WPS-ONEDRIVE_BUSINESS-9999The upload of scan files to OneDrive has failed.
WPS-ONEDRIVE_BUSINESS_OAUTH2-9999The upload of scan files to OneDrive has failed.
WPS-ONEDRIVE_BUSINESS_OAUTH2-0001The user did not authorize the OneDrive storage.
WPS-SCRIPT-9999An error occurred on the Script connector.
WPS-SHAREPOINT_ONLINE-9999The upload of scan files to SharePoint Online has failed.
WPS-SHAREPOINT_ONLINE_OAUTH2-9999The upload of scan files to SharePoint Online has failed.
WPS-SHAREPOINT_ONLINE_OAUTH2-0001The user did not authorize the SharePoint storage.
WPS-SHAREPOINT_ONLINE_OAUTH2-0003SharePoint site was not found. Check the site name in the SharePoint connector settings.
WPS-SHAREPOINT_ONLINE_OAUTH2-0004SharePoint library was not found. Check the library name in the scan workflow settings.
WPS-CORE-9999The processing of scan files has failed.

The scan job size limit has been reached.

SQ-WPS-9999SAFEQ Cloud was not able to reach the WPS service.
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.