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Xerox Gen 2 Cloud Terminal




Finishing options

  • Booklet bind direction Left to Right is always used.
  • When a simplex or duplex short-edge job is changed to a duplex long-edge job in basic finishing options, it will be printed as a simplex job. The duplex long-edge job sent to the queue will be printed as a duplex long-edge job.

Card reader

VersaLink 2nd Gen devices

The card reader is not recognized frequently after the device is waken up and the authentication screen falls to the default auth method (PIN, username/password).


The impact of color setting on resulting file format
Depending on what color setting (Auto, Full color, Greyscale, etc.) you or the user chooses, the MFD will deliver different formats:

  • When scanning on VersaLink models with color mode set to Auto, the device will produce a PDF file regardless of the configured file format.
  • If you select JPG file format in combination with Black and white, One color, or Two color, VersaLink devices will produce a TIFF file.
  • If you select JPG file format in combination with Full color or Greyscale, the device will produce a JPEG file.

Merging originals:

  • Merging originals for multipage TIFF works only with Black and white, One color, and Two color color settings.


  • Advanced finishing options (Stapling, Punching, and Folding) are not supported.

Language switching

  • If you set the language on the MFD, the selected language becomes the default application language. If a user changes the language from the application's language selection menu, the new language will be used for the current user session and will reset to the default device language once the user logs out.
  • Languages with limited support
    • Thai, Chinese (Simplified), Japanese, Korean
    • Languages are limited to devices that are capable of displaying them – they must have the respective browser fonts embedded.
    • These languages are only available when set as the device language (not via the application language selection menu).


Accounting for native applications like Copy, USB print, and Fax is not supported. If you set the device to the kiosk mode, the users will not be able to use these applications and you will not miss any accounting information.


  • If the terminal loses connection before finishing the scan job, the scan job will be accounted for even if it was not delivered to the user.

Device setup

Enabling Printing on AltaLink Devices

To set user permissions for printing on AltaLink devices:

  1. Log in to the MFD as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to Properties > Login/Permissions/Accounting > User Permissions.
  3. Click Edit in the User Permission Roles section.
  4. Select Edit under Non-Logged-In User.
  5. Set the desired permissions for Non-Logged-In user.

Enabling Accounting (Reporting) on AltaLink and VersaLink Devices

This section is fully automated in the Terminal Deployment tool.

To enable accounting on AltaLink devices, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the MFD as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to Properties > Login/Permissions/Accounting > Accounting Methods and click Edit.
  3. Select Network Accounting in Current Accounting Method selection box. Click Save.
  4. Click Edit in the User Accounting Prompts section.
  5. Disable prompts User ID and Account ID by selecting No in Display Prompt column. Click Save.
  6. If the Job Limits Server (Pre Authorization) is in Configuration Settings list on Accounting Methods screen click Edit and set the Server URL to
  7. Click Save.
  8. Restart the MFD to apply the new Accounting setting.

To enable accounting on VersaLink devices, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the MFD as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to Permissions > Accounting Method. Click Select in the Network section.
  3. You will see the following screen.
  4. Click Setup in the Limits section. Set Server URL to Disable all items (Copies, Prints, Scans, Emails) in What to Limit section, and click OK.
  5.  Open Tracking Information settings by clicking Edit. Disable Ask Users option for User ID and Account ID. Select No Prompt for Copy, Print, Scan and Fax in When to Prompt section. Click OK.
  6. Click OK on the Network Accounting screen. Restart the device by clicking Change.

Installing the cloud terminal

You can start the installation in two ways: by downloading the Terminal Deployment Tool or by starting in the SAFEQ Cloud Web UI.

Starting with the Terminal Deployment Tool

  1. Download the Terminal Deployment Tool from Y Soft Partner Portal.
  2. Follow the instructions in Terminal Deployment Tool.

Starting in the SAFEQ Cloud Web UI

  1. Start with adding your Xerox MFD and creating the embedded configuration in SAFEQ Cloud Web UI. See section Adding the Xerox printer and Embedded configuration in SAFEQ Cloud Web UI of this guide. 
  2. Go to Embedded clients and open the newly created embedded configuration.
  3. Click Manual operations.
  4. Follow the instructions in the dialogue window.

    The example commands are generated regardless of the operating system.

    For Windows, the full file name should be used in the command so that each command starts with  ./terminaldeploymenttool.bat


Registering the cloud terminal in SAFEQ Cloud Web UI

  1. Upon installing the MFD, you will see a screen with the Serial Number of the device (prefixed with xe_). Note down the ID number.

  2. In SAFEQ Cloud web UI, go to Endpoints  and find the entry with ID number that you noted in the previous step. Select the entry and click Authorize selected.

  3. Back on the MFD, you will see the following screen:

Adding the Xerox printer and Embedded configuration in SAFEQ Cloud Web UI

  1. In the SAFEQ Cloud Web UI, go to Embedded clients.
  2. If not done already, create an embedded configuration for your Xerox MFD(s) by clicking Add.
  3. In Vendor, select Xerox.
  4. In Application type, select Xerox Gen 2.
  5. Fill in the rest of the configuration according to your needs and click Save. For more information on embedded configuration, see Embedded Terminals' configuration.
  6. Go to Printers.
  7. Click Add.
  8. In Vendor, select Xerox.

  9. Fill in all required information.
  10. Select the checkbox next to Embedded software This will display additional fields related to embedded configuration.
  11. In Embedded configuration, select your Xerox embedded configuration from the list.
  12. Click Save.
  13. Return to MFD, if you see the screen from the end of the previous section tap Reload. The MFD will now display a login screen with your chosen authentication type.

Extensive logging

In case of problems, we might ask you to enable detailed logs from the terminal. This is done in the Application settings menu. Note that this option may significantly slow down the terminal.

  1. At the MFD, go to the Authentication or My quick actions screen.
  2. Tap and hold the logo in the top-left corner for at least 5 seconds (note that the logo will be different if you have set up a custom logo in the SAFEQ Cloud Web UI).
  3. Enable Extensive logging.
  4. Tap Save.

How to use YSoft MFX and TWN4 card readers with older VersaLink devices

The older Xerox VersaLink devices use plugins for card authentication. This section describes how to use the TWN4 readers and the YSoft MFX readers with these devices

The screenshots were taken on Xerox VersaLink B605 and Xerox VersaLink C405DN. The UI may look different on other models.

TWN4 card readers

To use the TWN4 card reader, connect it to the MFD. The cloud terminal will detect the connected card reader, and card authentication will work out of the box.

In case of problems, check if the TWN4 card reader service plugin is active:

  1.  Log in to the MFD's admin interface.
  2. Go to System > Plug-in settings.
  3. Check if the Plug-in Feature is enabled. If not, activate the TWN4 Card reader service.
  4. Restart the MFD.

YSoft MFX card readers

For the YSoft MFX reader, you must install two plugins (CardPlugin and CardService) manually. They are part of the terminal deployment tool and they can be found in terminaldeploymenttool/packages/xerox/.

To install the plugins, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the MFD's UI as an administrator.
  2. Go to the system settings and enable the Plug-in feature.
  3. Notice that the TWN4 card reader service is enabled. You must deactivate it (it cannot be deleted).
  4. Add both plugins from the terminal deployment tool and activate them.
  5. Restart the device in order to deactivate TWN4 and activate the new plugins.

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