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Microsoft OneDrive for Business connector

Use the Microsoft OneDrive for Business (OAuth 2.0 with user-based access) type connector to deliver scanned files to a location in a selected Microsoft OneDrive for Business library with user-based authorization.

If you wish the users to authorize in advance (before going to the terminal), you can:

  • Share an authorization link displayed in the connector configuration.
  • Advise the users to use the Authorizations tab in My profile section of SAFEQ Cloud Web UI.

Integration is done using Graph API. Access is granted on per-user basis using  OAuth2 Authorization Code Flow and the authorization is secured via Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE).

The following permissions (scopes) are needed:




Files.ReadWriteHave full access to user files. Allows the app to read, create, update, and delete the signed-in user's files.To be able to upload and modify (create folders, append into files) content on the user's behalf.
offline_accessMaintain access to data you have given it access to. Allows the app to see and update the data you gave it access to, even when users are not currently using the app. This does not give the app any additional permissions.To keep access working even after one hour.

Connector configuration

There are no additional configurable fields.

Workflow configuration

Target OneDrive relative path – The directory where the workflow delivers scanned files, relative to the root of the user's drive.

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