Web upload
On this tab in Settings > General settings, you can enable and configure the document upload functionality. Users can then use this functionality to upload documents for print at Personal > My documents page.
- Enable Web upload - If enabled, users will see the Web Upload widget on the Personal > My documents page, provided the other requirements are met.
- File size limit - Set the maximum document size that users can upload. The default value is 20MB. The maximum value is 100MB.
- Default Web upload values - Configure the default values for the finishing options shown to users in a modal window after they upload a document. The available options are: Color, pages, page orientation, and output page size.
Limitations for uploading the MS Office files:
- Print preview of one Microsoft Excel file can contain at most 10 thousand pages.
- The duration of conversion from MS Office files to PDF is limited to 5 minutes.
If the user exceeds any of these limitations, it will result in conversion failure.