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Manual configuration


Domain account is fully configured in SAFEQ Cloud and has assigned printers for it.


  1. Left-click on extension button
  2. Click on Extension Options
  3. Fill Account domain name. Please note that this URL should be accessible for you from the browser (you may need to accept the certificate for it).
  4. Fill in the Access Key.
  5. If authentication is disabled, fill in the secret key from the G Suite OAuth2 identity provider (if set).
  6. Validate it by pressing Test
  7. In case of successful testing press Save
  8. In case of unsuccessful testing – enter the correct account domain name and do Test again
  9. Left-click on extension button
  10. Click Login button
  11. Enter valid credentials for server
  12. Press Login
  13. Or press Sign in with Google and enter valid credential for google authentication

Remote configuration

The extension could be distributed across organization devices remotely. For doing so SAFEQ Cloud configuration and Google Admin Console configuration is necessary.

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