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Migration of authentication providers and SSO to port 443

This guide outlines the steps required to migrate your Single Sign-On (SSO) and authentication provider configurations to port 443.

To keep authentication working also via port 8443, instead of updating existing Redirect URLs, add new Redirect URL with updated port for authentication provider to the list of values. Meaning that the values for the Redirect URL will be two identical records but with a different port:  https://[domain]:8443/[callback] and https://[domain]:443/[callback].

Microsoft Entra ID

OAuth 2.0 and OIDC configuration

The general process for migrating Microsoft Entra ID configurations for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect (OIDC), as well as the creation of applications in Azure, is similar, as both protocols are built on the same foundation. For more details, see  Add a custom app in Microsoft Entra ID and Microsoft Entra authentication.

  1. Log in to Microsoft Entra Admin Center as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to App registrations. Find and select the application you wish to update.
  3. Click Authentication Settings. In your app registration overview, click Authentication in the left menu.

  4. In the Redirect URIs section, scroll down to Redirect URIs.

  5. Update the Redirect URI. You’ll see a list of current Redirect URIs that are configured to handle authentication responses.

    • Locate URIs that reference port 8443 and update them to use port 443.

    • The URIs value should be in the following format:  https://[domain]:8443/[callback].

    • The domain should be the same as the one of the SAFEQ Cloud Web UI URL. For example, if the SAFEQ Cloud Web  UI URL is ,the value should be:
  6. Save and test your changes.

SAML configuration

To migrate SAML Single Sign-On configuration in Microsoft Entra ID to port 443, perform the following steps. For more details about Microsoft Entra, see Microsoft Entra Single Sign-On.

  1. Log in to Microsoft Entra Admin Center as an administrator.
  2. Go to Enterprise applications > All applications. Find and select the application you wish to update. You can use the search bar to find and select the application for which you need to update the SAML SSO settings.
  3. Go to the Single Sign-On Settings. Within your selected application, click Single sign-on in the left menu. This will open the SAML-based SSO configuration page.

  4. Update the Identifier (Entity ID): https://[domain_name_that_has_saml_configured]:443/

    SAFEQ Cloud Client with OAuth2 login will use a port based on connection to SAFEQ Cloud, i.e. either 8443 or 443. To make both ports work, you can either:

    • have two URIs in Entity ID, one for each port, i.e.  https://[domain_name_that_has_saml_configured]:443/ and https://[domain_name_that_has_saml_configured]:8443/
    • or specify the SSO issuer ID optional parameter in the Single sign-on authentication settings in your account to match the URI specified in Entity ID, e.g. https://[domain_name_that_has_saml_configured]:443/
  5. Update the Sign-On URL:  https://[domain_name_that_has_saml_configured]:443/assertion/saml
  6. Update the Reply URL: https://[domain_name_that_has_saml_configured]:443/assertion/saml
  7. Save and test your changes.


OAuth2 authentication stops working in SAFEQ Cloud Client when used with Single sign-on: "Sorry, but we're having trouble signing you in."

You get the following message from Microsoft, saying "Application with identifier 'https://[domain_name]:443/' was not found in the directory...":

This can be caused by SAFEQ Cloud Client opening an authentication page with a different port than expected by the Microsoft Entra ID application for SAML SSO.

To fix this, you can either:

update Microsoft Entra ID application for SAML SSO:

  1. Navigate to Microsoft Entra Admin Center in your web browser and sign in with your administrator credentials.
  2. Select Enterprise applications and then select All applications. Find and select the application you wish to update. You can use the search bar to find and select the application for which you need to update the SAML SSO settings.
  3. Access Single Sign-On Settings. Within your selected application, click on Single sign-on in the left-hand menu. This will open the SAML-based SSO configuration page.
  4. Update the Identifier (Entity ID):
    1. Add https://[domain_name_that_has_saml_configured]:443/ 
    2. Now you should have two URIs in Entity ID – one for each port (i.e. https://[domain_name_that_has_saml_configured]:443/ and https://[domain_name_that_has_saml_configured]:8443/).
  5. Save and test your changes.

or update Single sign-on authentication settings in your account:

  1. Log in to SAFEQ Cloud Web UI.
  2. Navigate to Authentication > Single sign-on.
  3. Specify the optional parameter SSO issuer ID to match the URI specified in Entity ID in your Microsoft Entra ID application for SAML SSO (e.g. https://[domain_name_that_has_saml_configured]:443/).
  4. Save and test your changes.

OAuth2 authentication stops working in SAFEQ Cloud Client when used with Microsoft Entra ID Customizable authentication: "Sorry, but we're having trouble signing you in."

You get the following message from Microsoft, saying "The redirect URI 'https://[domain_name]/callback/oidc-login' specified in the request does not match the redirect URIs configured for the application...":

This can be caused by SAFEQ Cloud Client opening the authentication page with a different port than the Microsoft Entra ID application for OIDC expects.

To fix this, update the Microsoft Entra ID application for OIDC:

  1. Navigate to Microsoft Entra Admin Center in your web browser and sign in with your administrator credentials.
  2. Navigate to App registrations. Find and select the application you use for OIDC in your authentication provider. You can search for it by name if needed.
  3. Access Authentication Settings. In your app registration overview, click on "Authentication" in the left-hand menu.
  4. Locate the Redirect URIs Section. Scroll down to the Redirect URIs section.
  5. Update the Redirect URI. You’ll see a list of current Redirect URIs that are configured to handle authentication responses.
    1. Add https://<account-domain>:443/callback/oidc-login and https://<account-domain>:443/callback/acl (replace <account-domain> with other addresses you have configured for port 8443).
    2. You should have now 4 addresses in total (two with port 8443 and two with port 443).
    3. Note: you can omit port :443 as it is the default for HTTPS.
  6. Save and test your changes.


OIDC configuration

To migrate OIDC Okta to port 443, perform the following steps. For more details about Okta, see OKTA Authentication.

  1. Log in to the Okta Admin Console as administrator.
  2. Navigate to Applications. Find and select the application for which you need to update the redirect URLs.
  3. In the application settings, go to the General tab and click Edit.
  4. Update the Sign-in redirect URIs to use port 443.
    • The URI value should be in the following format:  https://[domain]:8443/callback/oidc-login and https://[domain]:8443/callback/acl
  5. Save and test your changes

SAML configuration

To migrate SAML Single Sign-On in Okta to port 443, perform the following steps. For more details about Okta, see Okta Single Sign-On / Logout.

  1. Log in to the Okta Admin Console as administrator.
  2. Navigate to Applications. Find and select the application for which you need to update the SAML SSO settings.
  3. Locate the Single Sign-On URL and Update the URL to use port 443.
    • The URI value should be in the following format: https://[account-domain]:8443/assertion/saml, new value https://[account-domain]:443/assertion/saml
  4. Update the Audience URI (SP Entity ID).
  5. Update Any Additional URLs – review and update other URLs, such as Logout URL, in case they contain port 8443.
  6. Save and test your changes.


OAuth2 authentication stops working in SAFEQ Cloud Client when used with Okta Customizable OIDC authentication

You get the following message from Okta saying: "The 'redirect_uri' parameter must be a Login redirect URI in the client app settings...":

This can be caused by SAFEQ Cloud Client opening the authentication page with a different port than the Okta application for OIDC expects.

To fix this, update Okta application for OIDC:

  1. Access the Okta Admin Console and log in with your administrator credentials.
  2. Navigate to Applications, find and select the application for which you need to update the redirect URLs.
  3. In the application settings, go to the General tab and click Edit.
  4. Update the Sign-in redirect URIs:
    1. Add https://<account-domain>:443/callback/oidc-login and https://<account-domain>:443/callback/acl (replace <account-domain> with other addresses you have configured for port 8443)
    2. You should have now 4 addresses in total (two with port 8443 and two with port 443).
    3. Note: you can omit port :443 as it is the default for HTTPS.
  5. Save and test your changes.


OAuth 2.0 configuration

To migrate OAuth 2.0 PingId Single Sign-On to port 443, perform the following steps. For more details about PingId, see PingID Single Sign-On and Add a custom app in the Ping identity platform.

  1. Log in to the PingID Admin Console as administrator.
  2. In the main menu, click Applications.
  3. Select the OAuth2 Worker that you need to update.
  4. In the OAuth2 Worker settings, go to Redirect URIs.
  5. Locate URIs that reference port 8443 and update them to use port 443.
    • The URI value should be in the following format: https://[account-domain]:8443/callback/ping , new value https://[account-domain]:443/callback/ping
  6. If your Entity ID or any other relevant URLs (e.g., Single Logout URL) include the port number, update them accordingly to use port 443.
  7. Save your changes

SAML configuration

To migrate SAML PingId Single Sign-On to port 443, perform the following steps. For more details about PingId, see PingID Single Sign-On.

  1. Log in to the PingID Admin Console as administrator.
  2. In the main menu, click Applications.
  3. Select the specific application for which you need to update the SAML SSO settings.
  4. In the selected application, go to Configuration settings.
  5. Update the Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) URL
    • The URI value should be in the following format: https://[account-domain]:8443/assertion/saml , new value https://[account-domain]:443/assertion/saml
  6. If your Entity ID or any other relevant URLs (e.g., Single Logout URL) include the port number, update them to use port 443.
  7. Save your changes
  8. Download the updated metadata file and apply changes in the SAFEQ Cloud application authentication provider. Refer to the SAML configuration in PingID Single Sign-On.
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